What are the best ways to get high quality backlinks?

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Backlinks are one of the most important things to consider when we talk about SEO. With the advent of Google, SEO began to gain traction with backlinks becoming a major element of the SEO process. So, without backlinks, you can’t rank higher in Google’s search results. In order to rank higher, you need to get quality links from authority sites.

As building backlinks is a very critical process to the success of SEO, this article will talk about different ways to get quality backlinks for your blog or website.

First and foremost, you need to install the SEO Quake Toolbar. This will help you identify the PR of the page where you will insert a comment with a link to your website. As manual blog commenting can take some time, it’s important to choose your targets wisely.

One of the best tools to get started with is SEO Quake. Simply go to http://www.seoquake.com/ and click the Install button to add it to your browser toolbar.

SEO Quake

Another tool I recommend is Drop My Link. Go to http://dropmylink.com/, enter your target keyword, and hit search.

Drop my link

Check to see which results have enough page-level PR to make posting a comment worth your while. This one looks promising.

Search Page

Now, scroll down to the bottom of the page and see if there’s still an active comment area. It is not recommended that you drop an anchor text link by putting your keyword in the Name field as this has two downsides. Firstly, it sets you up for a Penguin penalty and, secondly, it puts a target on your back as a spammer. Instead, use the name of your site or your own name. Now, glance over the article and add a thoughtful comment.


Post a comment

Remember, just because the blog auto-approves your comment doesn’t mean they won’t moderate them eventually. If you have a natural anchor text link along with an insightful comment, the comment will probably survive. Moreover, you can also use Drop My Link to find .gov blogs that allow comments. Simply repeat the process.

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