Using the Advanced Silo Structure SEO Strategy for Corporate Keywords

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You want your SEO strategy to help increase sales and profitability in your business. This means using SEO to get more visitors to your website. These are the objectives of SEO and to reach your objectives, you need to meet certain goals. One of the most important is to maximise EAT, i.e. Google’s perception of your expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. A silo structure SEO strategy can help with this.

Silo structure SEO strategies fall into the category of advanced SEO, so they are not the first thing you should do if you are just starting out. Instead, you should focus first on link building and other off-page SEO strategies as well as onpage SEO techniques to improve user experience and guide visitors as they access your site.

The above will help you address the requirements of the most important SEO ranking factors for your business.

That said, if you are further along with your SEO strategy and want to give your Wellington business the edge over your competition, a silo structure SEO strategy will help.

SEO Strategy

What is the Silo Structure SEO Strategy?

As in many aspects of digital marketing, the silo structure SEO strategy borrows its name from the physical world. In the physical world, silos are used to store materials to ensure there is no cross-contamination. In other words, silos keep different materials separated.

This makes it easier to find the material you need and to also understand what is in the storage area.

The same concept applies to silos in relation to SEO in Wellington.

A silo SEO strategy involves grouping the content on your website around a theme. This grouping is hierarchical. Here’s an example:


  • Topic 1
    • Supporting page
    • Supporting page
    • Supporting page
  • Topic 2
    • Supporting page
    • Supporting page
    • Supporting page
  • Topic 3
    • Supporting page
    • Supporting page
    • Supporting page

So, one level below the home page of your website would be your main silo pages. Each of these silo pages then has supporting pages to create an isolated group of content.

This structure for content moves your SEO strategy beyond simply focusing on keywords and links. Instead, you also support each main silo page with additional content to make up the silo structure.

This adds organisation to the structure of your website instead of the content being haphazard and disjointed.

The Benefits of the Silo Structure SEO Strategy

There are multiple benefits of developing a silo structure SEO strategy for your website. Those benefits include:

Improves relevancy and context

A key component of SEO is providing Google with context about your website to ensure it has a full understanding.

Let’s use a building contractor website as an example. A simple SEO strategy would involve identifying target keywords and then creating content-rich pages for each of those keywords.

A silo structure would involve adding supporting pages for all the main pages. For example:

  • Home page
    • New builds – main silo page
      • 10 tips if you are building a new home – supporting page
      • How to cut costs when planning a new build project – supporting page
      • How long does it take to build a new home? – supporting page

This gives Google additional context about the business, demonstrating it has in-depth knowledge and expertise in the area of new builds. It also shows that this website provides valuable content to readers.

Ensures there are no isolated pages

It is surprisingly easy to create content on your website that ends up isolated. This means there are no links to them on any other page. In this situation, Google may not know the page exists, so it won’t appear on search results pages. Using a silo structure SEO strategy can help prevent this from happening.

Improves user experience

If you plan your silo structure properly, you can improve the user experience of your website by making it easier for visitors to find the content they are looking for.

Think of it like reading a book, where information on various topics and themes is categorised into chapters. The silos you create on your site are similar.

Helps you beef up the content on your site

Google likes websites that have lots of high-quality content. Developing a website with a silo structure can help you achieve this as you won’t just have one page on each important topic area, but multiple pages.

Methods for Developing a Silo Structure on Your Site

There are two main methods for implementing a silo structure SEO strategy on your website: physical and virtual.

The physical method uses the structure of URLs on your site to create the structure:


The virtual method uses internal linking on each supporting page, directing users and Google to the main silo page.

Three Tips for Developing a Silo Structure on Your Website

  • Don’t have too many layers – even though you are adding new layers to your site and additional content, make sure you don’t break with the best practice of keeping every page on your site within three clicks of the homepage.
  • Minimise or eliminate linking between silos – the silo structure SEO strategy works best when there is minimal or zero linking between the supporting pages of different silos.
  • Keep an eye on URL length – this particularly applies if you use the physical method of implementing a silo structure as this can make your URLs long. Generally in SEO, the shorter the better.

Get Expert Advice

As mentioned above, the silo structure is an advanced SEO strategy. Therefore, before you start attempting to implement it, make sure you get advice from an SEO agency in Wellington. This will ensure it is the right approach for your site at this time.

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