How to Write Email Subject Lines That Will Increase Your Open Rate By 100%

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Email marketing is widely used to reach a larger audience and to maintain returning customers. However, if only a few people open your emails, this strategy might not help you.

Email Subject Lines

Have you have sent emails to your list but only a few of them get opened? If so,you are not alone.

According to Epsilon’s fourth quarter email analysis, the average open rate for emails is only 27.4%. The problem is that in order to get the attention of your customers, you need to write an effective email subject line. Doing this will increase your email open rate by 100%.

You should take the following factors into account to write email subject lines that people will want to open:

A Unique Selling Proposition:

To get the best results from email marketing, you need a unique selling proposition. Ask yourself what makes your product unique and what makes it better than other products on the market. Also, how can you present your product to the right people to get more clicks?

Personalized Emails:

You should always use the recipient’s name when sending emails. This includes using their first name or last name in the subject line instead of “Dear”. This will immediately grab the attention of your customers.

Ask Right Questions:

Always avoid simple yesor no questions in email subject lines as they won’t encourage people to open your email. On the other hand, using open-ended questions will make the recipient more engaged and eager to read further. Some examples of open-ended questions are:

  • “What type of website do you need?”
  • “Where should you invest in 2017?”
  • “Can you tell what problems you’re facing in your business?”

Get the Timing Right:

Another factor that increases open rates is writing a subject line and then sending it at the right time. For example, sending an email at 6:30pm on a Friday evening with the subject line: “Where to Go for Dinner Tonight”. The subject line and timing is just right for people thinking about dinner plans.

Do Tell What’s Inside:

It is best to include a subject line that explains what is inside the email. Examples include “Free E-Book” or “Free Trial”. This works better than a simple subject line because it makes it clear what the recipient will get in the email.

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